Welcome to the Cursillo Movement
of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany, NY

St. Paul, Patron of Cursillo, Pray for us.
The purpose of the Cursillo Movement is to become the Good News. The goal is to align oneself with Christ so that Christ, through the individual, is the primary influence in society. The Cursillo Movement offers a method of encountering Christ. This method brings Christ’s values to one’s family, school, neighborhood, and place of business, thereby significantly enhancing the spiritual revitalization of the world in which we live.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patron of the Americas, Pray for Us
Cursillo offers a method to seek and develop Christian…
- Spirituality
- Mentality
- Activity
- Community
Cursillo also offers a way to Discover, Form, Sustain, and Unite people who desire to love Christ and his Church.
The term “Cursillo” is a Spanish word meaning “Short Course.”
The Cursillo is a three-day weekend experience; it is a “short course” designed to take everyday people and teach them a method to grow in Christ’s love and to be Christ in the world. The Cursillo is a joyful representation of living in community as Christians.
Usually, there are two weekends held each year. One Weekend for men, and the other for women. Typically, one is held in late August and the other in early October.
Cursillo Weekends begin on Thursday evening and end late Sunday afternoon.
The weekend is led by a team of laity, clergy, and vowed religious, who present a series of talks and who guide the Weekend activities.
The Weekend is interspersed with periods of presentation, reflection, song, laughter, silence, discussion, prayer, and liturgies.
The Cursillo is designed for Catholics who desire to strengthen their faith, who want to be closer to Christ, and who want to bring Christ to those around them.
Any person who seeks spiritual growth, and who is emotionally and spiritually healthy, will be deeply moved by the Cursillo Weekend experience.
The cost for the Weekend is based on the fee charged by the facility for lodging and meals. Specific information regarding the cost will be provided prior to registration.
Some assistance is available for those who may have financial challenges. This assistance is provided through the generosity of others who are active in the Cursillo Movement and/or through fundraising efforts.
Of note, there are no annual or recurring dues. All activities after the Weekend are covered by free-will offerings and/or fundraising.
Cursillo is a Worldwide Catholic Movement founded by Eduardo Bonnin in the 1940s. Additional information can be found here.
There are opportunities to gather with those who share the same commitment of bringing Christ’s presence to others.
Participating in these gatherings helps to reinforce, strengthen, and encourage the living of what is fundamental for being Christian: the love of God and others.
If you are interested in participating in a Cursillo Weekend you can contact the Precursillo Chairperson to discuss the application process. Or you can complete the application found under the Albany Cursillo Resources page and mail it to the Precursillo Chairperson.
The Chairperson will contact you to discuss your desire to attend a Weekend and address all other questions you may have.
As indicated on the Application Form, a Sponsor is required, and this will be addressed and explained by the Precursillo Chairperson.
If you are not currently interested in attending a Cursillo Weekend, but would like more information about the Cursillo Movement, or to learn about opportunities to attend other Cursillo sponsored events, you can contact the Precursillo Chairperson.
Precursillo Chairperson:
Cheryl Dudinetz
Email: dudinetzcaw@gmail.com
Mailing Address:
Albany Cursillo in Christianity
PO Box 1095
1764 Route 9
Clifton Park, NY 12065-1095