School of Leaders

The School of Leaders is the cornerstone of the Cursillo Movement, the complement and extension of the Secretariat. It is a community of service consisting of lay persons, vowed religious, and clergy.

The School is the instrument for the Secretariat to accomplish its work. The School supplies the Secretariat with leaders who exemplify a spiritual life and are living the Cursillo method, so that these leaders may be the ferment of the Cursillo Movement in the Diocese.

It is essential to have leaders from the Precursillo, Cursillo, and Postcursillo phases of the Movement, as members of the School of Leaders, so to be prepared and knowledgeable of the Cursillo technique, mentality, and purpose. This ensures the effective conduct of the responsibilities of each of the phases.  

(Adapted from: Article IV, Cursillo By-Laws, Roman Catholic Diocese, Albany, NY)

ALL Cursillistas are welcome to participate in the School of Leaders. It’s a place for learning more about the Cursillo Movement and enhancing what you already know. It’s a place to be strengthened in your resolve to live the Cursillo method, and identify opportunities where God is calling you to serve. The School enables you to be prepared to share the charism of Cursillo in your Postcursillo lives.

If you wish to be part of a Cursillo Weekend Team, the School of Leaders provides a solid foundation for pursuing that calling.

Please review the meetings dates and times on the Upcoming Events page.

Did you know...
...that a School of Leaders brought the Cursillo Movement into existence?

The efforts of the leaders nurtured, strengthened, and enabled the Cursillo Movement to come into existence and become a full-fledged movement of the Church.
Did you know...
...that a School of Leaders is necessary before the Cursillo Movement can begin in a diocese?

To share the fundamental ideas of the Cursillo Movement, one must first understand, experience, and incorporate these truths into one’s own life. Only then, through personal witness, can the Cursillo Movement thrive in a diocese.
Did you know...
...the School serves and supports the three phases of the Cursillo Movement?

• Facilitate study of the environments, including identification, selection and preparation of individuals for participation in the Cursillo Weekend.

• Assist in the formation of Teams to foster a progressive and authentic conversion of the individual experiencing the Cursillo Weekend.

• Those who wish to serve on a Cursillo Team should participate in the School of Leaders and be active in all three phases of the Movement.

• Provide opportunities to continue fostering knowledge and practical experience in living the Cursillo Method.

• Support those who attended the Cursillo by helping them become an integral part of the Cursillo community so they may be a seed of Christian growth in their environments.
Did you know...
...the Cursillo Movement will not thrive in a diocese without an active and effective School of Leaders?

• The School must be a community of persons who share the vision of the Movement, its objectives, and mutual efforts in the work and the desire for holiness.

• The School must train and sustain leaders for the Movement. Thus, the School must have leaders willing to participate!
Did you know...
...all Cursillistas are welcome and encouraged to participate in the School of Leaders?

• If you are interested in serving on a Cursillo Weekend Team, or in some other capacity in the Cursillo Movement…

• If you are interested in learning more, and deepening your understanding of the Cursillo Movement, please contact the School of Leaders Chairperson.