Cursillo Movement Committees

Chairperson:  tbd

The Precursillo Committee manages the Diocesan-wide efforts in promotion, selection, and preparation of individuals who will live a Cursillo.

The Chairperson ensures an application for each individual is submitted in a timely manner, to allow for appropriate review.

The Committee works with the individual and his / her Sponsor to provide relevant information and address any other necessary actions prior to attending the Weekend. 

Chairperson:  Barbara Fitzgerald

(518) 436-8959

The Cursillo Committee acts as a support to the Rector/a (Weekend Team Leader), for the organization and planning of the Cursillo Weekends.

The Committee assists with the Holy Hours, Commissioning Masses, Weekend Closings, and the Weekend Reunions.

Specifically, the Committee manages the purchase, transport, setup, and storage of supplies for the Weekends and the related activities.

Chairperson: Grace Deasy

(518) 237-9927

The Postcursillo Committee ensures that every individual who has participated in a Cursillo Weekend, has the opportunity to continue to grow in his/her relationship with God, self, and others.

The Committee supports the regular community gatherings, known as Ultreyas, to maintain their essence, as a means of living and sharing the love of God and neighbor in their individual lives.

The Committee is also responsible for scheduling and coordinating Workshops and Spiritual Retreats.